I've hired USAC expert level coach David Grigsby to help me hold onto 2nd place in the CPS series. Should be fun to have a plan to focus on while out riding. Could be interesting with seven and a half hours of riding on the plan for the rest of the week and storms in the forecast every day.
I have on tap for tonight an hour and twenty minutes off-road with two simulated race starts and 5x3 minute hill climbs. Should be fun. Bring on the rain.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
New Coach
Posted by
12:49 PM
Monday, June 23, 2008
Going Forward
As much fun as it's all been, I'm glad it's finally over. The reception was a good time (check the pictures on Flickr), the food must have been pretty good because it went quick and the drinks we're, well, drinks so you know they were good. The wedding, reception, parties and everything were perfect, I wouldn't have missed them for the world, but it's time to get back to something that resembles normal.
So Sunday Andrea got to check out a new ride and we got to ride with Anne. It's been a long time since I'd ridden with her and it was big fun. Andrea and I spent the first half-hour or so cruising along in the rain (looking at the forecast that's going to become a normal thing I'm afraid). When Anne showed up the sky turned blue and we rode some slow, some easy, some technical and some fast. We closed out the evening with a stop at the club and a grocery marathon at Kroger.
Posted by
11:50 AM
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
It's Been A Really, Really Long Time
Sorry, I haven't been real motivated.
The Hanson Hills race, from what seems like a long time ago, was a bust. It was a race I should have finished high, I didn't. I wasn't feeling well and I couldn't eat or drink prior to the race. I did get the hole shot and stayed with the leaders for the first mile. I lost them mid way through the first hill. My heart spiked and I blew-up (better than threw-up which is what I wanted to do). The rest of the race was a struggle to keep turning the pedals over. I finished and that's the best I could do. Next year I'm targeting this race, I really like the trail.
We've had a couple nice rides out at Burchfield. Last week we had a trail day (evening) with a phenomenal turnout. It sure is a lot easier to maintain the trails when we have more help than work.
This past weekend Andrea and I went North for the Lumberjack 100. I spent the morning snapping pictures, then we helped out at an aid station. It was a great time, everyone was super nice. I hope I can race it next year, if I can't I'll be back to help.
Sunday we had a chapter picnic and poker run at Burchfield. It was a great event with another nice turnout. We raised some money and gave away some cool prizes.
We have the reception coming-up Friday. After that, it's back to training. Andrea needs to maintain her series lead and it would be nice if I could hold onto second in my division.
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6:11 AM